
MLS Required Documentation

Prior to Clinical Training/Competency Checklists


Once admitted to the program (from admissions letter) students can begin classes. The documentation below is not required to take the courses, but all are required prior to starting clinical training/competency checklists for program accreditation and liability purposes.


Upon admission to the program students must purchase:

  1. CastleBranch individual account for Document tracking
  2. Exam Simulator


The following documents must be on file BEFORE students begin Clinical Training/Competency. LSUA will accept documents from your employer or copies from the agency involved:


Submitted in CastleBranch: All documents are linked in CastleBranch

  1. Facility Fact Sheet
  2. Receipt of Student Handbook form
  3. Confidentiality Release of Information
  4. Essential Functions Form
  5. CPR Certification
  6. Student Physical
  7. Immunization, COVID and Flu record
  8. Infection Control Acknowledgement
  9. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
  10. Competency Checklists


Submitted to Program Director

  1. Affiliation Agreement (note: GUILD students will have this already submitted)


Completed in Moodle

  1. Watch Safety videos and complete Quiz with score of at least 70%