


The Department of Psychology is one of the newest departments on Campus.  In the fall of 2018, it was named one of two academic departments chosen by on-campus students as a . The Bachelor of Science in Psychology was recognized as one of the nation’s best Online Psychology Programs by .  LSUA’s program was ranked 38th in the US and is the highest-ranked online psychology program of any Louisiana school.  Whether in a traditional face-to-face or an online class, you will find yourself well-suited for many career paths.  Skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving underlie most psychology courses.  Common themes include mental and emotional health, human and animal behavior, research, and synthesis of information.  Psychology is a tremendously varied field.  A degree in psychology is good preparation for many professions. Our graduates succeed in various careers, and many further their education at a graduate degree level.  If you plan on working with others, regardless of profession, a psychology degree can get you where you want to go! 

The Department of Psychology offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Bachelor of General Studies with a concentration in Psychology. The department offers courses that provide either general education or elective coursework to support degrees other university departments offer. In addition to psychology courses, the department also offers courses in anthropology, social work, and sociology. 


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If you would like to know more about the Psychology Department, please give us a call at (318) 427-0130 or drop by and see us in Mulder 380.