
Mission Statement

Copy Center

Our mission is to provide LSUA's faculty and staff the capabilities to create, copy, and manage their documents in a professional manner. We will meet this goal by providing reliable, high-speed equipment, unwavering customer service, and convenient location and hours. We will operate the business in a manner that is fiscally responsible and provides a profit to LSUA.

Copy Center Services

LSUA’s Copy Center serves faculty, and staff. We offer many services including: BW & Color Copies, and Binding.

All copy requests must be turned in before 4:00pm daily. The copy center door will lock at 4:00pm, Mon-Fri. Faculty and staff will need to use their Oakard to enter the copy center after 4:00pm.



White 8½ x 11$4.00 per Ream or $40.00 per Case
Color Paper 8½ x 11$6.00 per Ream or $60.00 per Case
Legal Paper$7.00 per Ream

Colors Available: Green, Blue, Canary, Pink, Cherry, Goldenrod, Gray, and Tan

Note: Departments are charged for all paper, whether for printer or copier use.



Binding$1.00 Heat or Comb Binding


Special Paper

Card Stock Paper (120lbs) 8½ x 1120¢ per Page or $40.00 per Ream

Colors Available: White


Department Copy Charges

Black & White Copy9¢ per Page
Large Volume Black & White (Copy Center)7¢ per Page
Color Copy 1 - 100 print75¢
Color Copy 100+50¢


Business Cards

To place an order for business cards call Procurement Services at (318) 473-6537 


Copy Center Policies

  1. Each department must use their own access code for copiers (if you are unaware of your departments, code please see your department head). Please protect your departmental code.
  2. Departments will be charged for use of departmental copiers, Copying and Duplicating copiers, and other services. Beginning January 2004, departments are charged for paper used on departmental printers and copiers (see note below). Pricing is listed below. Charges will be calculated at the end of each month and the Accounting department will perform an internal transfer from department accounts to the Copying / Duplicating account. We will send each department a list of charges in the following format:
    • Pages copied
    • Per page charge
    • Total copy charge
    • For departmental copiers: paper charges and per page price
    • Departmental paper charges
    • Miscellaneous (binding, folding, stapling, etc.)

Copy Center FAQs

Who can use the Copy Center?

We are open to faculty, and staff.


Can the Copy Center run any job?

We strive to fulfill all requests, meeting turnaround times and specific individual requests. However, it is against policy to duplicate copyrighted materials. Please see Policy Statement 216


If I am a Faculty or Staff member, what do I need to get my copies run?

You have several options listed below.