According to LSU PM-13, the definition of a "Spend Authorization" is a task in Workday to provide authorization to travel. Therefore, any official university travel, regardless of the associated cost, requires a Spend Authorization to be completed prior to the first day of travel.
Submitting a Spend Authorization in Workday required at least one Expense Item with a dollar amount. The recommendation is to add an expense for mileage for $1.00. If you find later that there were costs, the Spend Authorization can be amended to add additional costs.
In most cases, this will be your departmental PG number. However, if you are traveling on Faculty Senate funds, Grant Funds, Foundation Funds, or another funding source, please use the associated account number.
If you do not have the number at the time of the Spend Authorization, please use your Departmental PG number. The Spend Authorization does not charge the associated account. It's approval only. Once your Expense report is completed, the actual account may be used.
All spend accounts in workday have a prefix that indicates the type of account. The most common are:
PG - Program Number. These are used for all operating accounts whether it be Unrestricted, Restricted or Auxiliary.
BG - Gift Account. These are used for any university gift account as well as all Foundation Accounts.
GR - Grant Account. All grants will have an associated GR number.
PJ - Project Account. Projects accounts are used in some restricted cases such as construction, maintenance reserve and special projects.
All expense reports are due no later than 30 days after the last day of travel. LSU PM-13 states that they must be completed by the 15th of the following month.
Yes. The Spend Authorization does not cause any charges to hit the associated account. Travel (lodging, registration fees, airfare) may be purchased or booked on LaCarte in one fiscal year, then reconciled in the next. You will not submit your Expense Report until after the travel takes place. All costs associated with the trip will hit the new fiscal year. Please be sure that funds are budgeted appropriately.
No. All travel must be paid or reimbursed in the fiscal year that the travel takes place. In this example, if the travel took place in April, the Expense Report must be submitted prior to year-end deadline (Early June). If submitted after the deadline for the FY, no reimbursement will be approved.
In Workday, go to "Expenses", then "Spend Authorizations". You will see all Spend Auths on this page. Find the one you need to edit, scroll to the right and click "Change Spend Authorization". Make the appropriate adjustments, then submit. It will be re-routed through all appropriate channels.
LSU now uses the Federal GSA rates for per-diems. These can be found at:
Notes on per-diems:
Be sure to select the destination city.
The first and last day of travel: 75% of the daily amount may be claimed.
If any meal is provided while in travel status, the associated amount must be deducted from the daily rate.
As of February 17, 2023, the rate is 65.5 cents ($.0655) per mile. You may elect to claim a lower rate, but not higher.
If you choose to travel by personal vehicle, there are several requirements that must be met.
First, you must get a quote on airfare to the same location. If airfare is lower, it is the recommended method of travel. If you do choose to drive, you will only be reimbursed up to the lowest airfare available.
Second, if you also have personal business in the same location, or along the way, mileage reimbursement will not be available.
Yes, as long as no cost associated with their travel is paid for by University funds. They must book their own flights, pay their own meals, etc. Lodging can be shared assuming they are staying in the same room and there is no additional cost.