
Student Relief


Qualifications and Process

Registered and active student organizations and faculty organizing campus activities are eligible to apply for Student Relief Funding. Student organizations may apply for up to $1,000 per academic year. Salaries, scholarships, cash awards, personal expenses, deficit or loan payoffs, advisor expenses, departmental requests, and all other activities that fall outside of university regulations are not eligible. 


Individual students, sponsored by a faculty member, may apply for up to $300 in funding during an academic year and must abide by the same guidelines as student organizations. 


An application for funds does not guarantee funding from Student Government. Student Government allots a certain amount per academic year. One the funding runs out, they will not accepts any more funding request. 


Student Relief application forms may be downloaded on this page below or picked up in the SG Office.


Completed applications should be received thirty (30) days prior to the requested date for funds, and a representative must present the requests to the SG General Assembly for approval during their weekly meetings. Meetings are to be announced every semester through email.


Additionally, all specifics of needs being requested should be in or attached to the application including what exactly is being purchased, traveled to, or rented.


For travel of student-employees, a completed Spend Authorization is required through LSU Work Day BEFORE travel; for travel of all other students, a completed AS526 is required BEFORE travel (see forms below); for all events involving food items, a completed AS499 is required BEFORE the event (see forms below). 


All travel information must have approval from Student Government and Mary Lemoine in LSUA Procurement BEFORE purchasing any travel or items. All funding is done on a refund basis AFTER travel or items are purchased. Student Government will not pay for any items for other departments.





How to find us:

The SG Offices are in the Student Union, across the sidewalk from the student bookstore. 

Office Hours:

We have classes and meetings, so our hours aren't guaranteed. Yet during the afternoon hours there's almost always someone here. If we're in the office, come see us! 

Also, you can email us at sga@lsua.edu.