
Submission Guidelines

The Oak Leaf is a multidisciplinary forum dedicated to advancing undergraduate research and reviews. All submissions must use a standard style guide for the discipline.

The Oak Leaf uses the following style sheets:

  • for the humanities,
  • for psychology,
  • for history, philosophy, and religion,
  • for mathematics,
  • and for the natural sciences.

The above list of style sheets is not complete yet and will be updated soon. Please review the Purdue University Online Writing Lab or  for general citation advice. Citations must not be formatted by an app. All papers must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file.

Undergraduates have a maximum of one year after graduation from college or university to submit their paper to The Oak Leaf. Only undergraduates can submit to The Oak Leaf.

  1. All submissions must be original 
  2. Each submission must include a letter of support and authenticity from a full-time faculty mentor
  3. Each submission needs a separate page with corresponding author name and email address, additional authors' names, faculty mentor name and email address, and school affiliation
  4. Each submission needs to be blind (no in-text reference to a school, professor, or the author of the essay, or review, or research,  or review, or research, or name of course).
  5. APA and CSE submission need an abstract (100-250 words) and five keywords